Pat Maher
Mr. Pat Maher has resigned his position from the Committee / General Manager role due to increased work pressure and family commitments. His departure from the committee and from his role as General Manager will be a massive loss to the club, but like everything with Pat, he has planned his own departure meticulously to ensure there is the least amount of inconvenience caused. Pats contribution to Mount Merrion YMCA football club cannot be quantified. He has been the integral component behind the clubs success over the last decade. In that time-span the club has risen from Sun Div 3B in 1996 to the very top division of Intermediate Football, a decade latter. A phenomenal achievement for which Pat can take the lionĂ¢€™s share of the plaudits. I am sure you will join me in thanking Pat sincerely for all he has done for the club and to wish him every success in the future, both in his work & personal life, and to assure him that he is leaving the club in an excellent position and the door will always be open for his return.